siteleteer A tiny, self-replicating tool for building multi-page websites in a single HTML file.


About siteleteer

**siteleteer** is a super hackable, self-replicating web app that lets you create sitelets (mini websites) with inter-linking pages formatted with [[Markdown Support|Markdown]]. All data created with **siteleteer** is simply stored directly as HTML on the page, and the code within the HTML file is not minified at all, making it easier to simply crack open in a text editor and modify however you wish!

It's page management with Markdown formatting and a simple search bar all rolled up into a single HTML file that's _less than 20 kilobytes!_

## How to Use

Just <a href="" download="siteleteer.html" target="_blank">download a blank **siteleteer** HTML file</a> and open it in a browser to get started. It's pretty simple:

- Use the "Settings" button to change the wiki's name, description, and CSS, then push "Save" to make your changes.
- Create a new page by using the "New Page" button. This will create an empty page that you can start editing right away.
	- Set a page title in the "Name" field and write some text for the page with Markdown formatting.
		- In addition to Markdown, you can link between pages using wiki link format by putting the (case-sensitive) page name in 2 square braces \[\[like this\]\]! If you want the link to have different text than the page's name, then put the page name first then the text to display after a vertical bar \[\[Other Page|like this\]\]!
	- If you have multiple pages, you can change the order they display in the navigation by changing the Sort Position.
	- The page in the `0` position will be the "home" page of your **siteleteer** that is displayed when the file loads or when the Wiki Title is clicked.
	- Use "Save" to save the page and view the page.
	- Use "Cancel" to prevent any changes from being saved (results in an empty page if it's newly